Natalia Mejía, María Elena Pombo and Renata Del Riego
Hechizos en Emergencia
September 13, 2024 — October 13, 2024
mimo is pleased to present “Hechizos en Emergencia”, a collaborative exhibition with works by Natalia Mejia, Maria Elena Pombo and Renata Del Riego.
The project is grounded on the structural tension of dislocating a space. In a year-long search for a collaborative methodology, the collaboration became an investigation of topological structures and absurd ways of analyzing forms and environments. Through material abstraction and the reduction of shapes to basic expressions, the works in this exhibition attempt to emerge from precarious or unpredictable places to rethink the physicality of a space. The installation aims to challenge notions of utility and truth; theorizing structures that can be stripped off and still maintain their integrity.
All three artists share an evident material sensibility, emphasizing the importance of their hands as the vehicle for substance transformation. Either natural or artificial, wet or dry, heavy or light; they create an intimate connection with the elements they use, caring for them and inviting them to shift, solidify, disguise and play.
The physical qualities, metrics and location of the gallery offer parameters to the project. The artist began by establishing which elements of the space are essential, unmovable and characteristic; and how to work from them, not around. The project was built from this topological inquiry; testing the limits of what a space, an object, and a collaboration can be.