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June Canedo de Souza
A River Seeks it's Source
March 16, 2024 — April 21, 2024


Have you ever felt the bones on your back and face burn simultaneously?
I imagine the questions you'll have about the future. You made me.

Everything will work itself out.

Says those who have a lot of work to do. How hard will it be instead? Do you see the wrinkle above my
nose to the right of my left eyebrow? It would feel much better if you told me you noticed it.

I haven't gotten Botox because somewhere inside of me lives ten gone women who believed they never
deserved a thing. Grandpa pulled the trigger on Grandma, shot her right on her left shoulder while she was feeding Fernando. Did you know that each formula can cost about $40 before tax? On your first birthday, you drank cow's milk. We were very happy about it because your father’s papers haven’t cleared.

We sweet it with organic pitless dates.

My mom thinks I should get on my knees more often. My lungs burn, too. "Joyce at 34" was made in 1972. Nixon was president. To say, nothing has changed for women.
I watch the fire burn closer to my thumb.

Sometimes, I get so scared I forget to eat so I am relieved you're no longer feeding from me. Your grandpa swam in the Rio Doce before the mines and the money and the “ transnational religious and social networks sustain those immigrants who remain in the United States.”

My back burns because there's a hole the size of my fist that parts my left abdomen from my right. Did you know that your organs can fall out of your vagina too? No pamphlets.

Did our bed feel safe? Some people don't want to be told that it never gets easier. How do I tell you that I
have no plan? Don't say too much.

Your back. You're leaning. You're moving forward, kind of like.



Escureceu lá fora.

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